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B2B SaaS Sales Outsourcing Blog

Outsourced SaaS Sales Blog Posts Call Workflows

How to write a cold outreach email?


Is the SaaS Demo Dead?


Best ChatGPT Detector Apps for 2024


Best SaaS Onboarding Software Roundup 2024


ChatGPT for SaaS Sales


Best AI Copywriting Tools for SaaS


Best SaaS Onboarding Emails


Best Outbound Sales Software for SaaS


Cold Email Best Practices for SaaS Companies


What is Account Based Prospecting (ABP)


Pay for Performance Sales Outsourcing


What is Sales as a Service?


SaaS Sales Contractor Evaluation Form


SaaS Software Reseller Agreement Template


SaaS Referral Agreement Template


Tips for Outsourced SaaS Sales Success

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Who this guide is intended for:

Founders, CEOs, and Business Decision makers at B2B SaaS companies that are considering outsourcing or hiring dedicated sales help and expertise to help grow with limited risk/up front investment.

Can Outsourced Sales really work for B2B SaaS companies?

For Direct Sales to work, an offering generally must have MRR of at least $250/mo at the bare minimum; this really makes sense more for $500/$1k mo MRR and above. Below that you have a self service SaaS model which is great, but the compensation numbers are really difficult to make work for SaaS products that require outbound effort, demos, and sometimes 6 month+ sales cycles. Strategies to make an outsourced sales and marketing partnership work are covered in Tips for Outsourced SaaS Sales Success.

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Best Outsourced Ad Sales Rep Firms And Services 2023 - Complete Guide - Top 10 Companies Compared

Who this guide is intended for:

Independent Web Publishers, media companies, and website owners and operators that are considering outsourcing or hiring dedicated ad sales sales help and expertise to grow revenue with limited risk/up front investment. The focus is on moving beyond programmatic display and into more integrated, strategic ad products to expand revenues.

Can Outsourced Ad Sales really work? Is there a minimum traffic level or monthly unique visitors required?

For Direct Sales to work, a web property generally must have realistic potential for at least $10K/month (ideally more) in direct ad sales revenue beyond programmatic display. There is not necessarily a specific monthly traffic level - niche B2B, purchase focused websites will command much higher premiums and advertiser demand than B2C or less focused, news oriented sites.

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Top 20 Software Directory and Review Sites - Complete Guide 2023

About This Guide - Software Directory and Review Sites

Listings in top SaaS Directory and Review sites can have lots of benefits for SaaS companies. This is a key marketing checkbox for all SaaS companies that want to get discovered by B2B buyers searching for specific software solutions. It’s great to rank for specific terms and hope that your buyers are going to land on your webpage. The reality is buyers are doing heavy pre-purchase research on third party sites like G2 and Capterra long before they visit your site or talk to one of your sales reps. This guide dives into some of the benefits, questions, and best practices around getting listed on software directories, which site to get listed on, and offers a service for taking the manual legwork out of managing the submission and listing process.

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Best SaaS Contracts Lawyers 2023 - Complete Guide

Top 19 SaaS Contracts Attorneys and Platforms Compared

One of the first tasks for an early stage SaaS company is getting a legal structure and documents in order. This includes Terms of Service, a Privacy Policy, and various agreements and contracts. SaaS and Internet law can have its own nuances so it is recommended you hire and work with a SaaS focused attorney.

The guide includes a range of pricing options from straightforward, project based contract work with an individual SaaS focused lawyer to firms focused on scaling fast growing startups and catering to all of their legal needs.

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Best B2B Appointment Setting Services 2023 - Complete Guide

Top 25+ B2B Appointment Setting Companies Compared

Nurturing leads takes time. But what if those leads were discovered and qualified for you? The best B2B appointment setting services (aka Outsourced SDRs and BDRs) are designed to generate motivated leads. A lot of the up front grunt work of building targeted contact lists, setting up cold email outreach sequences, social selling through LinkedIN, and creating interest is done for you.

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Best B2B SaaS Copywriter Services 2023 - Complete Guide

Top 23 Content Writing for SaaS Options Compared

SaaS Content Agencies vs. Individual Copywriters vs. Platforms

One decision to make up front is whether to work with an individual B2B SaaS content writer, a SaaS Content Agency, or a Content Platform.  There are pros/cons to all approaches and a lot depends on your budget, scope, time your willing to invest in managing the process, etc.

The guide includes a range of pricing options from straightforward, project based one off blog posts to managed monthly services for full outsourced content creation.

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