Arrow up (now Arrears)

  • Industry 
    Debt Collection Software
  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA USA
  • Company Size

Partnered with pre-revenue SaaS to build initial outbound and inbound lead engine, supported by content, directory listings, setup. Result was steady flow of booked, qualified demos (avg 10+ per month).

Tactics, Services Used:

Outsourced SDR Services - email, phone, LinkedIn outreach. Setup, Automations, Sequences, List Building; integrated with Hubspot CRM.

Built initial cold call, demo, email scripts, sales FAQs, objection handling. A/B tested, refined over time.

Cold Email Domain Setup for Outbound Outreach and to protect primary domain.

Intent Data - used intent data sources Bombora and Leadsift to identify in-market accounts researching relevant software (debt collection software); automated outreach to right contacts at those accounts .

Dealfront setup, integration to identify anonymous website visitors (accounts) and automate cold outreach to matching buyer personas to convert to traffic to demos.

SEO Analysis, Content Mapping - Identified high intent keywords like “chatgpt for debt collection” and “ to drive traffic and support outbound efforts.

Software Directory Submission Service - posted Arrears on 10+ software directories including G2, Capterra, SoftwareAdvice for product discovery, links, traffic.